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Author Services

Self-publishing can be a daunting task. We’ll help you every step of the way on your journey.

Ebook Conversion and Formatting

We’ll beautifully format your ebook and perform a manual quality check for any formatting errors in the files. Our ebook services include manuscript and graphics conversion.

Book Design

Professional design that your readers will appreciate for years to come. We offer formatting and layout for paperback and hardcover books.

Book Editing and Proofreading

Ensure that your manuscript is internally consistent, stylistically pleasing, and grammatically correct before you publish. We’ll help you say what you want to say in the most effective way.

Book Cover Design

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but we all know readers do. Stand out on the shelf with one of our custom book cover designs.

Web Design for Authors

We leverage our experience with web design and development across multiple industries to bring you quality marketing sites for books. Learn more about our web design services.

Marketing and Distribution

Navigating the distribution and marketing options for self-published authors can be complex. We provide marketing and distribution consultation to help you get the best results.

Author Services Questions

Can you help me with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing?

Yes. KDP is by far the most popular self-publishing platform, and we are intimately familiar with it.

Do you offer premade book covers?

Not at this time, but we plan to add one-of-a-kind, premade book covers soon.

Can I communicate directly with the editor?

Yes. We believe that communication between the editor and author is important to achieve a high quality manuscript that accurately expresses the author’s intent.

Can you help me with SEO and social media marketing?

Yes. As a full-service digital marketing agency, we are well versed in SEO and social media marketing.